Meet The Council

Mehtab Jawanda


The President shall oversee the affairs of the Association. They shall be the official spokesperson of the Association. They shall ensure that all members of the council are fulfilling their duties and must help out any other positions that are in need of assistance. The President shall temporarily take on responsibilities of any vacant position of the Executive Council if a replacement for the vacant position cannot be immediately named. They must be familiar with the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. They shall perform all duties incidental to the office of the President and such other duties as may be assigned to them by the Executive Council. 

Gianna Simancas


The Vice-President shall exercise all the powers of the President in case of absence or disability in the latter’s part. The Vice-President shall act as the official External Communications Officer and fulfil all the duties that pertain to this office. They shall concentrate on helping and improving the functionality of the executive council by facilitating external communication, which means the transfer of information from outside of the Executive council to inside the Executive council, including but not limited to Vanier administration. They shall maintain a favourable public image of the Association and shall concern themselves with the official brand. They shall also perform all duties incidental to the office of the Vice-President and such other duties as may be assigned to him or her by the Executive council. At the of their mandate, the Vice-President shall train their successor. 

Ziyad Rebbache


The treasurer shall be responsible for the management of the Association’s finances. They shall deposit all monies and other valuables of the Association in its name and to its credit, in such banks or financial institutions as determined by the Executive on a by-weekly basis. They must Render a brief report of the financial situation of the Association, including total at the bank, pending payments, and follow-up payments, at each meeting of the Executive Council. They must Render a detailed report of the financial situation of the Association at each Semester General Assembly of the Association. They shall prepare, maintain and conserve adequate accounting books and records of finance for the Association. They must keep a record book of policy changes and Council membership changes, or, if needed, delegate this task to another Executive member through an official vote process. They shall keep such aforementioned documents in safe custody. They must ensure, alongside the Clubs Coordinator(s), that the Association’s Clubs maintain correct and up-to-date financial records. 

Dany Rakan

Academics Affairs Coordinator

The Academic Affairs Coordinator must fill one of the student seats on the Academic Council as the official representative of the Association and be aware of what goes on in all of its sub-committees. They shall be the liaison between the Academic Council and the Executive Council. They must remain informed of the activities of the College’s administration and relay all important and relevant information back to the Executive Council. They shall hear students’ academic concerns and refer students to the appropriate person and/or body. They must be aware and in good understanding of Vanier’s zero-tolerance policy and all other College policies regarding plagiarism, harassment, the code of conduct, student behavior and academics. They shall defend students who feel unjustly and unfairly treated by the College or its staff and assist any hearing, appeal or other meetings when requested by a student requiring help. They shall work alongside Student Services’ Student Advocate, should one exist. 

Morgane Paquet

Internal Affairs Coordinator

The Internal Affairs Coordinator must act as the official coordinator of Internal Communications within the Executive Council; and, alongside but secondary to the Communications Coordinator(s), from within the Association into the Executive Council.  They must ensure that all members of the Executive Council are fulfilling their duties. They shall assist the President, Vice-President, and Treasurer when and if the need arises or if the need cannot be covered by their respective assistant, as stated in Article X (9) Point 05. They shall help with and improve, alongside but in priority to the President, the internal functionality of the Executive council. They must give notice of all meetings of the Association (Executive meetings and all Semester/ Special General Assemblies), with the exception of Clubs Executive meetings. They must prepare and supply an agenda for all the aforementioned meetings of the Association, as well as other documents that may be required at the meeting for which the agenda is prepared. They must record, publish, and keep minutes for all the aforementioned meetings of the Association. They must schedule the office hours for the Executive council members. They must be familiar with the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. 

Marwa Guarraz

Clubs Coordinators 1

The President shall oversee the affairs of the Association. They shall be the official spokesperson of the Association. They shall ensure that all members of the council are fulfilling their duties and must help out any other positions that are in need of assistance. The President shall temporarily take on responsibilities of any vacant position of the Executive Council if a replacement for the vacant position cannot be immediately named. They must be familiar with the most current edition of Robert’s Rules of Order. They shall perform all duties incidental to the office of the President and such other duties as may be assigned to them by the Executive Council. 

Abderrahmen Laadhar

Clubs Coordinators 2

The Clubs Coordinator shall assist in and promote the efficient operation of the student clubs that are sponsored financially or otherwise by the Executive Council, and bring concerns of said clubs to the attention of the Executive Council. They shall be responsible for assigning clubrooms and ensuring that all clubs abide by the rules and policies set by both the Association and Vanier College. They shall also be responsible for reviewing club constitutions. They shall be responsible for ensuring, to the best of their abilities, that at least two (2) Executives from each club attend all Semester and/or Special General. They shall also perform duties incidental to the office of the Clubs Coordinator and such other duties as may be assigned to them by the Executive Council. At the end of their mandate, the Clubs Coordinator shall train their successor. 

Minh Dang

Communications Coordinator 1

The Communications coordinator shall gather pertinent information from different sources within the College. They shall be responsible for the analysis and synthesis of such information for the purpose of informing the members of the Association wherever necessary, by way of publication and/or distribution through the medium of any newspaper and/or social media, or other student information bulletins of the Association. They shall initiate as well as establish contact with external organizations such as television stations, newspaper and radio stations. They shall publicise events that are sponsored by the Executive Council. They shall be in control of the VCSA Insider and VCSA Radio, as directed by the Executive Council. They shall perform all duties incidental to the office of the Communications Coordinator and such other duties as may be assigned to them by the Executive Council. At the end of their mandate, the Communications Coordinator shall train their successor. 

Mariem Al Fathali

Communications Coordinator 2

The Communications coordinator shall gather pertinent information from different sources within the College. They shall be responsible for the analysis and synthesis of such information for the purpose of informing the members of the Association wherever necessary, by way of publication and/or distribution through the medium of any newspaper and/or social media, or other student information bulletins of the Association. They shall initiate as well as establish contact with external organizations such as television stations, newspaper and radio stations. They shall publicise events that are sponsored by the Executive Council. They shall be in control of the VCSA Insider and VCSA Radio, as directed by the Executive Council. They shall perform all duties incidental to the office of the Communications Coordinator and such other duties as may be assigned to them by the Executive Council. At the end of their mandate, the Communications Coordinator shall train their successor. 

Raya Hussain

Community Coordinator 1

The Community Coordinator plays a pivotal role in fostering the Association's community values by developing and implementing related initiatives. This individual is tasked with collecting vital information from students on key issues such as social justice, sustainability, and both mental and physical health, ensuring that student voices are heard and considered. Acting as a crucial intermediary, the Coordinator maintains clear communication between the Executive Council and all committees and subcommittees, as well as the Program Representation Council. Additionally, they are responsible for guaranteeing, to the best of their abilities, that at least two members from each committee and subcommittee participate in all Semester and Special General Assemblies, ensuring broad representation and active engagement across the Association. 

Theo Kirby

Community Coordinator 1

The Community Coordinator plays a pivotal role in fostering the Association's community values by developing and implementing related initiatives. This individual is tasked with collecting vital information from students on key issues such as social justice, sustainability, and both mental and physical health, ensuring that student voices are heard and considered. Acting as a crucial intermediary, the Coordinator maintains clear communication between the Executive Council and all committees and subcommittees, as well as the Program Representation Council. Additionally, they are responsible for guaranteeing, to the best of their abilities, that at least two members from each committee and subcommittee participate in all Semester and Special General Assemblies, ensuring broad representation and active engagement across the Association. 

Olga Gazdovic

Executive Director

The student representative to College boards and committees shall have the functions and duties allocated to them elsewhere in the By-laws, as well as, but not limited to, those duties hereinafter stipulated. They shall act as the official representatives of the members of the Association on the committee upon which they have been appointed. They shall promote, support and protect the status, interest, and general well-being of the members of the Association. They shall respect the views of the Executive Council. The appointed member must present a detailed report at the next meeting of the Executive.